Reading is a Skill

Reading is a Skill

Research indicates that good readers use several well-developed skills as they draw meaning from the page. Besides figuring out words from contextual clues, they have to break the code of written language– decode by correct phonetic processing. At the same time,...
Some Startling Statistics

Some Startling Statistics

It is no surprise that our educational systems are struggling in this country. However, we came across some very startling statistics that highlight just how deep the impact has become: Education Statistics Five to six year olds have a vocabulary of 2,500-5,000 words....
Meet at Your Home, Library, or School

Meet at Your Home, Library, or School

For a student struggling to read, the classroom can be a scary place associated with shame, ridicule, and embarrassment.  For many families, it is incredibly practical and helpful to have tutoring services at convenient alternative locations such as public libraries,...