Learn, Read, Grow!
In spite of the best efforts of educators, the dedication of the classroom teachers, and the concerns of parents, a significant number of young children have difficulty learning to read.
Learn Read Grow is a Reading Tutoring program for K-5 students. The associates have brought together years of educational experience and resources to provide a comprehensive reading program to help students become better readers. We also provide reading services to children with special needs such as autism, dyslexia, and other learning disabilities. We use engaging, multisensory strategies and programs that simultaneously utilize visual, auditory, and kinesthetic-tactile stimuli to enhance memory and learning.
Learn Read Grow brings together a wide breadth of educational experience among its associates, led by Ann MacDonald who brings to her tutoring company her signature passion and intensity and a wealth of educational experience.
Our program is focused on students in the kindergarten to fifth grade; when the problems usually begin. We attempt to intervene early, and help bring the student to their grade level so they can get back to learning in the classroom. Our program involves twice weekly, individual tutoring over an 8 week period. We can accommodate meeting with the student in his/her home or other mutually convenient locations such as libraries or at the student’s school.

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From the Blog
Why “Multisensory” Learning?
Studies from the National Institutes of Child Health and Human Development have shown that for children with difficulties learning to read, a multisensory teaching method is the most effective teaching method. This is especially crucial for a dyslexic child.
Reading is a Skill
Research indicates that good readers use several well-developed skills as they draw meaning from the page. Besides figuring out words from contextual clues, they have to break the code of written language-- decode by correct phonetic processing. At the same time, they...
Some Startling Statistics
It is no surprise that our educational systems are struggling in this country. However, we came across some very startling statistics that highlight just how deep the impact has become: Education Statistics Five to six year olds have a vocabulary of 2,500-5,000 words....